Tuesday, September 26, 2006

New Member of the Class

The official add / drop date is now passed. I guess this is it guys and gals, we are stuck with each other for the rest of the semester :-) I hope that everyone is starting to get into the swing of things - especially with the homework. I know that it is coming as quite a shock for the some of the students, but I really think that the only way to pass this course is though all of the homework. I have seen studies that have done research on how long it takes to acquire Enlish, and some of them suggest that it takes over FIVE HUNDRED HOURS of English to move one benchmark. Basically, in LEAP IV we are trying to move the students from a benchmark seven to a benchmark 8/9 . . . there are approximately 260 hours of class. 260. What does that tell you? Any suggestions??

Oh, by the way, I really wanted to blog about how expensive the education cafeteria is . . . it cost me $8 for lunch today. All I had was a coffee and a sandwich. I need to start making my own lunch.


chenzhenfei said...

I think I can guess the meaning of this suggestion. It means that we should spend much time in doing our homework.

caleb said...

the price of everything in cafeteria rised... who made that happen??
It seems everybody should study at home as much time as we did in class...

Kevin.L said...

btw..cafeteria's food taste bad..!!
I don't want eat those Pizza anymore..